A socially responsible design project, exploring ethical design whilst designing the Me, Myself
& ADHD campaign to empower those with ADHD and reduce the stigma surrounding it.
ADHD is a condition affecting around 5-8% of the global population and it is one of the most researched mental health conditions. Yet it often goes undiagnosed, particularly in women, due to 
a lack of understanding of the range of symptoms ADHD encompasses in women and the misdiagnosis of hormonal issues instead. Additionally, ADHD tends to appear as hyperactivity in boys and as inattentive in women. As a result, women who may experience symptoms of ADHD are also less likely to talk to someone about their symptoms in order to avoid feeling inadequate and abnormal in their work ethic and lifestyle.
The Me, Myself & ADHD campaign aims to tackle the issue of negativity surrounding ADHD by providing people with real stories of those living with ADHD. Through targeting individuals within environments where ADHD could impact them, people can be educated on the appearance of
ADHD in both men and women and also know where to get help if required.

The three deliverables produced for the Me, Myself & ADHD campaign

A crucial aim within this campaign and its designing process, was to implement socially-responsible design principles. For example, whilst there is most stigma surrounding girls having ADHD, the campaign features stories from both men and women in order to remain gender neutral as ADHD affects everyone. Also by providing a gender neutral campaign, further misconceptions about ADHD difference in women and men could be avoided, especially as there is little published research yet about ADHD gender differences. Alongside ethical design, this campaign reinforces collaborative design between designer and audience – with celebrities being involved in the sharing of their ADHD stories and users being able to interact with the instagram filter. This demonstrates democratic and collaborative design, concepts which are discussed in the Design Council's Roundtable Discussion: Using design to reduce health inequalities and influenced this campaign. 
Instagram posts are the main campaign material which would be posted on the 
Instagram account of the celebrity who's ADHD story is being shared
Campaign WhSmith Voucher for enticing customers to view the campaign and see it on Instagram
&campaign Instagram filter for users to apply and share on their stories after interacting with celebrity
Instagram posts about the campaign
The following visual document takes you through both the topic of tackling false penicillin allergies and the design process for producing the hospital wall infographic:

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