An editorial project, creating Syncopate an independent magazine aimed at curious dancers providing an insight into how dance and other aspects of our lives are intertwined.
Syncopate is a magazine for those looking to expand their love for dance beyond the steps and music. Whilst focus lies on the rhythm and beats of the music listened to by every dancer and viewer, there are other beats we need to hear. Shedding a light on these more subtle beats, Syncopate does as it says by changing up the rhythm to focus on these. Each issue dives into the world of dance from a different perspective – giving an insight into the influence dance has on different aspects of our lives.
The cover and an inside spread of Syncopate issue 3 – focused around dance and heritage
Syncopate is designed for anyone with an interest in dance, whether they are a beginner or
a professional dancers. We want to capture the attention of curious dancers looking to expand
their views on how our other aspects of our lives are intertwined with dance and dance culture. Our magazine is unique in what it offers – giving dancers a magazine which does not simply explore
dance styles and new stories within the dance community but instead explore dance through new perspectives and through the lives of real people amongst the dance community.

Cover series for Syncopate – demonstrating the adaptability of the cover to fit with different images

A selections of spreads from Syncopate issue 3

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